Fall for Liberation
A Once-in-a-Generation Investment in Grassroots Organizing
Winning transformational change in the South has always begun with trained organizers ready to build a base, educate and mobilize.
That’s why this fall, we’re launching our biggest Organizer in Training Program yet to train 50 organizers that will knock on over 100,000 doors across Baton Rouge, Jefferson Parish and New Orleans. Fall for Liberation will be a once-in-a-generation investment in grassroots organizing in the Deep South.
Drawing inspiration from the Civil Rights Movement’s Freedom Summer, Fall for Liberation seeks to build on the legacy of other movements like the Fight for $15 that have used a large-scale investment in organizing capacity to win rights and raises for working class people.
Our 50 Organizers in Training (OITs), a diverse cohort of community leaders of all ages and backgrounds, will grow the power of Step Up Louisiana’s campaigns. These include campaigns to mobilize voters across Southeast Louisiana in support of climate and education justice, to secure safe workplaces for dollar store workers and to create New Orleans’ first-ever Workers’ Bill of Rights.
Through Fall for Liberation’s unique organizing model, each OIT will recruit new member-organizers who in turn will engage their own networks, creating a ripple effect with a goal of creating a voter mobilization structure of more than 12,000 Louisianans this fall.
The Fall for Liberation was developed in partnership with the Center for Popular Democracy and the Power Coalition for Equity and Justice.